As soon as the date ended I knew I was hooked. Oh God- why, why, why did I do this to myself? What is about being human that drags us kicking and screaming into a situation boiling over with so much potential pain and devastation? Every break up started with a good date. Every miserable Saturday night thinking about how I could have been funnier/prettier/less overwhelming - they all started with a first good night kiss. Every miserable moment I spent wondering what Rachel in Phoenix had that I didn’t began with a first time holding hands.
In some ways it makes nooo sense! Seriously! Just be single! Just stay by myself – I rarely ever disappoint me! I give myself great birthday and Christmas presents. I always take myself where I want to go on vacation. And sex - well – there are reasonable substitutes available to the single girl. So why do we do this to ourselves?
Because it might be right. Every married girlfriend I have once called me to gush about her good/great/ecstatic first date with the man who eventually became her husband. I guess we traverse the perilous lines – putting our self-esteem on the chopping block, allowing the faint glimmer of hope from a romantic song, opening the fantasies in our mind to play with his last name and our first name – because ultimately, hopefully, maybe this time, it could actually be the right one.
So it’s been 55 hours. Like I said. About 24 away for anyone following the “three day rule” to call back and ask for another date. We sent a couple of text messages about how much fun we had together. My psyche goes back and forth from ecstatic excitement to a deep and unsettling fear – and the recognition, more frightening than any horror movie could ever be, that I like him. Like, I like him a lot.
Terrifying. Thrilling. Horrifying. These are the most exciting moments in a nascent relationship. I’ll let you know what happens, assuming my emotional state survives the next 24 hours without having a complete psychotic break. I think I need to go put on another romantic comedy. Maybe, just maybe he’s the Harry to my Sally.
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