Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Single Girl's REAL Happy New Year!

The pink cakes, topped with white frosting and red-hot hearts are wilting pathetically in the grocery store with a bright 50% off sign adorning the package. “Happy Valentine’s Day” balloons hang limply, barely hanging on to the helium that thrust them so high the day before. Candy hearts grow stale and cardboard-like, as inedible and unpleasant as their messages of joyful coupledom and true love.

My friends, Today is the REAL New Year’s Day: We made it through the horrible corridor that begins approximately Thanksgiving day and lasts through the long, cold winter through the middle of February. The holiday bridge begins with a family dinner where Aunt Ellen asks where that nice boy I brought last year to Thanksgiving went. Oh you mean the one who broke up with me last year the day before Christmas for my boss’ 23-year-old daughter?

That slides into Christmas, where no relationship can start because of the shear number of social obligations and the fact that a new relationship would have navigate New Year’s Eve – a strictly established-couple kinda night if there ever were one.

And then it’s January- starting to date in January puts enormous pressure on Valentine’s Day, pressure I for one and many men I know would rather avoid. Plus everyone feels fat: post-holidays, cold-weather, sweater-covering slightly pudgy.

Hurray for Today: Yes it’s still cold outside, but on the 15th of February, the world begins to shift toward summer. February’s frigid winds quickly give way to March’s “bikini-season-coming” diet and trying on summer dresses.

The 15th is magical, because on this day, there are MORE days than there will be at any time of the year between now and the next holiday season. There are months to find my Fourth of July date – the one who will show me fireworks long before that lit-up night. It’s time to rejoice in the days and weeks to live free from paper cupids, enforced champagne kisses and mistletoe!!

So Celebrate it!: I was just sent a date request and phone number and from a very promising lad on OK Cupid. It’s the magic of this time of year- the pressure’s off and the fun is ready to begin! I’m gonna try on my flip flops and summer dresses, just for tonight, to remember that the season for true love will finally, like frozen margaritas and the need for sunscreen, be returning soon. Cheers to the New Year!!!!